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Short N' Sweet: A Donut Princess Podcast

May 5, 2022

Olivia Thai is a singer, entrepreneur, and talented Teochew American who shares her story and upbringing. Olivia and Mayly can definitely relate on a lot of the topics- from having to start being business minded at a young age to their elders expressing their love language through food. 


“I remember when I first started working, like being old enough to work and I got a job and it was like a nine to five. Yeah, mom asked me she was like, why are you working? And I'll be like, because that's what you do. And she's like, no, that's what other people do. We own businesses. So, get to brainstorming. And you can work here for however long you need to but remember, you are going to work for yourself.”



  • Technicality is a technicality, but birthdays are supposedly about longevity
  • It’s a privilege to be born in today’s generation
  • Asia’s cultures and delicacies are truly broad


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Apple Podcast: Short N' Sweet: A Donut Princess Podcast 

Instagram: @donutprincessla / @maylytao

Facebook: Donut Princess Los Angeles

Twitter: Donut Princess LA 

Tiktok: teochewdaily

LinkedIn: May


*Help me self-publish my mom’s book about her journey to America:

*Watch the Donut King Film here:

(also available on Apple TV, Google Play, and Amazon Prime Now)